Invitation to Participate in Stakeholder Feedback Round for Gold Standard Carbon Project Efficient and Clean Cooking for households in Côte d'Ivoire

BURN Manufacturing Co. is implementing the carbon project activity “Efficient and Clean Cooking for households in Cote d’Ivoire” under the Gold Standard Programme of Activities (POA) ECOA_BURN Multi-country Clean Cooking Programme’. On 20th and 22nd April 2021 , BURN invited stakeholders to local stakeholder meetings in Abidjan and Bouake where the project and its impacts were introduced, and comments and feedback sought from participants.
ecoa burn manufacturing cookstove cotedivoire-carbon-project

Dear Stakeholder,

We trust this email finds you in good health. BURN Manufacturing Co. is actively engaged in the implementation of the carbon project titled "Efficient and Clean Cooking for households in Cote d’Ivoire" within the framework of the Gold Standard Programme of Activities (POA) known as the 'ECOA_BURN Multi-country Clean Cooking Programme'.

On the 20th and 22nd of April 2021, BURN hosted local stakeholder meetings in Abidjan and Bouake, where we introduced the project and its potential impacts. We also sought valuable comments and feedback from all participants. Now, we would like to extend an invitation to all stakeholders to participate in the Gold Standard Stakeholder Feedback Round of this project.

You can access and review the outcomes of the local stakeholder meetings by following these links:

We would greatly appreciate any further comments or feedback you may have. These documents are also available at BURN’s importation partners’ office in Abidjan, located at the following address:

Entrepôt RH Logistique Route de Bassam, Yopougon Abidjan

Please send us your feedback by the 9th of November 2021 to the following contacts:

For any inquiries or further communication, you can reach us at the phone number: +225 05 94 66 77 74.

Thank you for your valuable contributions, and we look forward to your feedback on this important initiative.

Warm regards,


BURN Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya

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Nigeria office: Plot 5,
Etal Avenue, off Kudirat Abiola way,
Oregun Lagos.
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