Local Stakeholder Consultation for Gold Standard Carbon Voluntary Project Activities (VPAs) in the Republic of Kenya

BURN Manufacturing Co. will implement Voluntary Project activities (‘VPAs) under the Gold Standard Programmes of Activities (PoA), ‘ECOA_BURN multi-country Clean Cooking Programme
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Dear Stakeholder, 

BURN Manufacturing Co. will implement Voluntary Project activities (‘VPAs) under the Gold Standard Programmes of Activities (PoA), ‘ECOA_BURN multi-country Clean Cooking Programme’ (GS10789) and) ‘Top Third Ventures Stove Programme’ (GS11607) in the Republic of Kenya. Please note that the PoA GS11607 is in the transition process from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to Gold Standard.  Both PoAs are managed by BURN Manufacturing Co. In this context Local Stakeholder Public Consultations will be carried out for all local, affected and interested stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations, women groups, research institutes and organizations/individuals working on topics related to the project activity, policy makers on a national and state level as well as for local people, communities and or representatives who are directly or indirectly affected by the projects. BURN Manufacturing Co. (Coordinating and Managing Entity of the PoAs) invites all interested parties to attend one of the following Local Stakeholder Consultation meetings: 


16th May 2022 

Clarion Hotel- Moi Avenue 


17th May 2022  

AIC Grounds- Katithi- Kathonzweni 



19th May,2022 

AGC Hall - Kabikwen - Tinderet 



Stakeholders who cannot physically attend the meeting, have the possibility to participate online through Zoom. The login details are the following: 

Zoom Link -16th May ,2022 -Nairobi Meeting 



Please find attached a Non-Technical Summary of the project**.** 

In case of any questions or if you want further details and project information prior to the consultation, please write an Email to Peninah Mwende Carbon Officer at BURN (peninah.mwende@burnmfg.com) of call +254 704 863 420/0739943268 

Please use these contact details also for providing your feedback in case you are not able to participate in the stakeholder meeting. 



  • Reception – Signing participants list (8.30am) 
  • Introduction& Project presentation (9.00am) 
  • Questions and comments on the project (9.30am) 
  • Safeguarding Principles Assessment of the project (10.30am) 
  • Sustainability assessment of the project (11.15am) 
  • Discussion on grievance mechanism and monitoring of sustainable development impacts (12.15pm) 
  • Evaluation forms and closure of meeting (12.30pm) 
  • Cooking demonstration (12.45pm) 
  • Lunch (13.00pm) 


Ushauri wa Wadau wa Ndani wa Shughuli za Mradi wa Kujitolea wa Gold Standard Carbon Voluntary Project Activities (VPAs) Nchini Kenya 


Ndugu Mdau, 


BURN Manufacturing Co. watatekeleza shughuli za Miradi ya Hiari (‘VPAs) chini ya Mpango wa Gold Standard Programme of Activities (PoA), ‘ECOA_ multi-country Clean Cooking Programme’ (GS10789) na ‘Top Third Ventures Stove Programme’ (GS11607) Nchini Kenya. Tafadhali kumbuka kuwa PoA GS11607 iko katika mchakato wa mageuzi kutoka Mfumo Safi wa Maendeleo (CDM) hadi Gold Standard. PoA zote mbili zinasimamiwa na BURN Manufacturing Co. Katika muktadha huu Mkutano wa kupata Ushauri wa Umma wa Wadau wa Mitaa utafanyika kwa wadau wote wa ndani, walioathirika na watakaopendelea, pamoja na mashirika yasiyo ya kiserikali, vikundi vya wanawake, taasisi za utafiti na mashirika/watu binafsi wanaoshughulikia mada zinazohusiana na shughuli za mradi, watunga sera katika ngazi ya Kitaifa na jimbo na vile vile kwa watu wa ndani, jamii na wawakilishi ambao wameathiriwa moja kwa moja au isivyo moja kwa moja na mradi. BURN Manufacturing Co. (Ofisi ya Kuratibu na Kusimamia Mradi wa PoA) inawaalika wahusika wote kuhudhuria mojawapo ya mikutano ifuatayo ya Mashauriano ya Wadau wa Wilaya: 


16th May 2022 

Clarion Hotel- Moi Avenue 


17th May 2022 

AIC Grounds- Katithi- Kathonzweni 



19th May,2022 

ABC Hall- Kabikwen- Tinderet 



Wadau ambao hawawezi kuhudhuria mkutano huo kwa kufika ukumbini, wana uwezekano wa kushiriki mtandaoni kupitia Zoom. Maelezo ya kuhudhuria kupitia mtandao ni haya yafuatayo: 


Zoom Link -16th May ,2022 - Nairobi Meeting 



Tafadhali ona kiambatanisho cha muhtasari Usio wa Kiufundi wa mradi ulioambatishwa. 

Iwapo kuna maswali yoyote au ukitaka maelezo zaidi na maelezo ya mradi kabla ya mashauriano, tafadhali andika Barua pepe kwa Peninah Mwende Afisa Kaboni, BURN (peninah.mwende@burnmfg.com) au piga simu kwa Nambari 0704863420/0739943268 

Tafadhali tumia mawasiliano hayo pia kwa kutoa maoni yako iwapo hutaweza kushiriki katika mkutano wa wadau. 




  • Mapokezi/ Kuwasili – Orodha ya washiriki wanaotia Saini 2.30 asubuhi 
  • Utangulizi na wasilisho la mradi (3.00 asubuhi) 
  • Maswali na maoni kuhusu mradi (3.30 asubuhi) 
  • Tathmini ya kanuni za Ulinzi was mradi (4.30 asubuhi) 
  • Tathmini ya uendelevu wa mradi (5.15 asubuhi) 
  • Majadiliano kuhusu utaratibu wa malalamiko na ufuatiliaji wa athari za maendeleo endelevu (6.15 mchana) 
  • Fomu za tathmini na kufungwa kwa mkutano (6.30 mchana) 
  • Onyesho la kupikia (6.45 mchana) 
  • Chakula cha mchana (7.00 mchana)

BURN Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya

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Nigeria office: Plot 5,
Etal Avenue, off Kudirat Abiola way,
Oregun Lagos.
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